


A peek into my past and a look into the future.

Frequent library trips, Saturday mornings reading in bed, word games around the kitchen table, and letters to pen-pals—these are the photographs from my childhood.  My mother told me, “You have a way with words.” I believed her and grew into that blessing. I started out by publishing nonfiction because I felt comfortable translating my observations and experiences into words. Gradually, I left the safety of my own experiences and worked into writing fiction. I didn’t leave nonfiction behind though. Every story I tell is rooted in real events and real places.


Excerpts from “My Father’s Voice,” ByLine, April 1994.

“The picture in my mind is as clear as a photograph. Snuggled next to my father on the sofa, my brother, sister, and I wait expectantly while my father leafs through Miriam Blanton Huber’s Story and Verse for Children, searching for just the right story for the evening. We called it ‘the grey book,’ a thick anthology of stories from which other worlds spilled into our laps. Before any of us could eat, we could look and listen.

“My father’s voice was as steady and sure as Pooh’s persistence in finding one more pot of honey. Both remain as delicious memories.

First row from left to right: Carol with her paternal grandfather and Carol with her parents, Margaret & Henry Federlin. Second row from left to right: Carol with her parents and youngest daughter; Carol as a toddler.

Tidbit about me:

One of my favorite books growing up was The Little Engine That Could. Back in the day, I listened to this record over and over again. “I think I can. I think I can” still resonates in my brain.

Now, Philippians 4: 13 guides me: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Copyright © Carol Baldwin 2024