Contact & FAQ’s



Q. How do I break into writing for kids?

A. Take writing classes, join SCBWI, read writing craft books, read recently published books in your genre, join a critique group, network with other kidlit writers, follow writing blogs, write, revise, and persevere. That’s all!

Q. Will you read my manuscript?

A. Occasionally I read manuscripts and charge a fee for this service.

QWill you review my book on your blog?

A. If you have a traditional published picture book, middle-grade, or young adult, novel I will consider reviewing it or I’ll pass it along to one of my tween/teen reviewers. Please don’t contact me if your book is self-published.

QDo you do school visits? If so, what are your fees?

A. Yes! I am happy to do school visits, library book talks, or to speak to community organizations. Please let me know what you are looking for. I have a range of fees depending on your needs.



Copyright © Carol Baldwin 2024